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Gienne Tsui

Deep Caressing Cleansing Milk

Deep Caressing Cleansing Milk

Regular price ¥763.00 CNY
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The Deep Caressing Cleansing Milk is a nourishing formula that gently removes impurities and makeup without stripping away moisture, skin is balanced and left feeling fresh and supplement with a more clarified appearance. The rose aroma also helps calm and relax.

The formula combines the richness of essential oil with the fluidity of milk, with effective skin balancing, anti-pigmentation, and moisturizing effects. Its formula is nourished with rose geranium, comforting intensive nerve.

主要成份Main Ingredients

纯净水、甘油、苯氧乙醇、蜂蜜*、黄原胶、乙基己基甘油、维生素C、丙酸异丙酯、透明质酸钠、卡波姆、丁二醇、玫瑰天竺葵精油、天然维生素E 、辛酸癸酸甘油三酯、氢氧化钠、水解胶原蛋白、芦荟叶提取物、澳洲坚果油、可可巴油、大豆油、卡卡杜李子提取物、白茶提取物和玫瑰油。

如何使用How To Use

早晚使用,取少量于手上,按摩面部和颈部。 用温水冲洗并按照WOW 步骤

适合肌肤Suitable for


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    Gienne Tsui 的所有配方都会随着时间的推移而起作用,即使皮肤习惯了也不会影响,或者最初的效果很明显,但没有后续效果,因为我们的产品采用天然优质成分制成,就像食物一样每天放入体内慢慢补充和修复细胞。



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