Brand Story
Ever since Gienne discovered aromatherapy out of serendipity, was fascinated and immersed herself in essential oils. That she started to merge aromatherapy into daily life, like skincare products. Oddly, the...
Brand Story
Ever since Gienne discovered aromatherapy out of serendipity, was fascinated and immersed herself in essential oils. That she started to merge aromatherapy into daily life, like skincare products. Oddly, the...
<As long as you are willing to pay, the charmin...
There are pictures and facts. After using Gienne Tsui eye care products for 2 consecutive months, you can see and feel the obvious effects! Ceramide Eye Booster Gently strengthens the...
<As long as you are willing to pay, the charmin...
There are pictures and facts. After using Gienne Tsui eye care products for 2 consecutive months, you can see and feel the obvious effects! Ceramide Eye Booster Gently strengthens the...
Gienne Tsui Lucky bag~ 多謝支持 thank you for your ...
Yeah~ 多謝Susanna Shong 專登來支持Gienne Tsui的福袋, 幸運地抽到新裝[德國紫晶瓶] 的貨裝Overnight Protector和Nature's Secret 另外加旅行裝的 Super Booster 5ml和 Nature's Secret 5ml!!
Gienne Tsui Lucky bag~ 多謝支持 thank you for your ...
Yeah~ 多謝Susanna Shong 專登來支持Gienne Tsui的福袋, 幸運地抽到新裝[德國紫晶瓶] 的貨裝Overnight Protector和Nature's Secret 另外加旅行裝的 Super Booster 5ml和 Nature's Secret 5ml!!
【 用家分享:徹底拯救咗我長期敏感的皮膚】
“每次轉季或者壓力大時,皮膚就會出現紅色硬塊,痕癢又刺痛,試咗各種抗敏感產品都無效,只可以長期靠皮膚科醫生用藥急救。但治標不治本,非常容易復發,特別係天氣轉變同工作繁忙時,簡直係噩夢。一開始用Gienne產品時,係情況非常嚴重嘅時候,所以好明顯見到佢快速舒緩嘅效果。堅持一年之後,皮膚敏感無再發作,徹底用好咗!外加用佢嘅魚子眼部精華,連眼袋都完全收晒。”Gienne Skincare非常適合用於脆弱的敏感皮膚發作時,有效急救舒緩症狀。若堅持使用,能夠由底層強化肌膚抵抗力,真正改善膚質,令皮膚強壯健康,徹底擺脫皮膚敏感的困擾。...【案例使用產品】全效能加強修護精華:修復、滋潤、抗衰老。和諧舒心精華素:舒緩、平衡敏感,特別適合乾性及敏感性肌膚。魚子精華肌底液:抗氧化、淡化皺紋、滋潤皮膚細胞、緊緻肌膚。魚子精華眼部緊緻精華液:淡化黑眼圈、眼紋,緊緻眼周肌膚。...【聯絡我哋咨詢產品詳情】
【 用家分享:徹底拯救咗我長期敏感的皮膚】
“每次轉季或者壓力大時,皮膚就會出現紅色硬塊,痕癢又刺痛,試咗各種抗敏感產品都無效,只可以長期靠皮膚科醫生用藥急救。但治標不治本,非常容易復發,特別係天氣轉變同工作繁忙時,簡直係噩夢。一開始用Gienne產品時,係情況非常嚴重嘅時候,所以好明顯見到佢快速舒緩嘅效果。堅持一年之後,皮膚敏感無再發作,徹底用好咗!外加用佢嘅魚子眼部精華,連眼袋都完全收晒。”Gienne Skincare非常適合用於脆弱的敏感皮膚發作時,有效急救舒緩症狀。若堅持使用,能夠由底層強化肌膚抵抗力,真正改善膚質,令皮膚強壯健康,徹底擺脫皮膚敏感的困擾。...【案例使用產品】全效能加強修護精華:修復、滋潤、抗衰老。和諧舒心精華素:舒緩、平衡敏感,特別適合乾性及敏感性肌膚。魚子精華肌底液:抗氧化、淡化皺紋、滋潤皮膚細胞、緊緻肌膚。魚子精華眼部緊緻精華液:淡化黑眼圈、眼紋,緊緻眼周肌膚。...【聯絡我哋咨詢產品詳情】